People of the Muong ethnic group have been residing in Hoa Binh province throughout history. Hoa Binh province is a land of indigenous Muong ethnic people. Over the time, the Muong ethnic group has created and preserved a rich and diverse folk culture, in which there is a prominent and unique genre with profound humanistic values - the Mo Muong. Mo Muong has helped to form and nurture the character and soul of the Muong people as well as the land of Hoa Binh.

Mo Muong is a crystallisation of labour experiences, cultural behaviour, and philosophy of life. It expresses a passionate love of life, people, and the homeland along with the spirit and character of the people and land of Hoa Binh.

Throughout history, generations of Muong people have preserved, passed down, and promoted the values of Mo Muong, creating the vitality and widespread influence of this extremely valuable intangible heritage. Many cultural, literary, and anthropological studies by domestic and international scholars have clarified the values of Mo Muong, further demonstrating the vitality of the heritage.

Core contents, values of Mo Muong

Mo Muong includes Mo rituals, Mo lyrics, and Mo performances. Mo shamans are those who perform Mo Muong rituals in which they say prayers and chant Mo lyrics. In the Muong regions today, there are five Mo melodies named "O hoi", "Da de", "Ham mo", "Da doong", and "Heu keu". The melodies derive their names from the first words of the respective melodies that distinguish them from one another.

As a verb, "mo” means chanting in certain melodies the prayers, "mo nhom” songs, the "mo cat” narrations in the rituals serving the life of each family and community.

As a noun, it refers to those who practice the profession of "mo” and to the "mo” songs. The people who practice "mo” are called "Ong Mo” (Mo shaman). However, there is a distinction between new practitioners of "mo” and those for generations, with the latter group receiving more respect from the public.

The process of Mo formation and existence

There haven’t been any studies specifying when Mo Muong came into being. However, researchers found that Vietnamese epics appeared in the pre-state period – about 2,800 years ago. Particularly, the epic "De dat, de nuoc" (the birth of earth and water) of Muong people is believed to appear in the common historical period of Viet - Muong people.

Mo is a religious ritual held in the funeral of Muong people. It is both a product of the creative application of traditional Muong cultural values, and a social phenomenon reflecting the material and spiritual life of Muong people throughout their millennia-long history.

Mo consists of two basic components – rituals and words, which vary according to ceremonies.

Regarding rituals, each Mo ceremony has a different number of rituals depending on the situation of each funeral such as what rituals must be performed during that funeral, material conditions of the family, and social management regulations. The scale of a Mo ceremony is based on such requirements.

Based on statistics of researchers, Mo Muong includes 12 basic rituals which demonstrate the deeply humane behaviour of the Muong people in Hoa Binh towards the body and soul of the deceased. Only families that can fully perform the above rituals in the funeral are considered to have basically fulfilled the duties of the living towards the dead. However, in reality, very few funerals of Muong people in the past as well as at present can fully perform those rituals.

Mo Muong shows the content of folk knowledge, including that of the nature, human beings themselves, production, artistic creation, and social management and behaviour. Mo shamans are the masters of this heritage who preserve and convey the content of traditional culture through belief-related activities and ritual practices.

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