(HBO) - In 2021, in the context of complicated development of Covid-19 pandemics, the cultural and sports activities were organized meeting the requirements of the epidemic prevention and control, ensuring to serve the political tasks, meeting the needs of the demand to enjoy culture, practice sports, and improving the cultural and spiritual life of the people.

The culture - art clubs in Luong Son town (Luong Son) are active, contributing to promoting the movement of mass art.

The sector of Culture, Sports and Tourism has well organized the propaganda, the cultural and artistic activities, especially the programs celebrating the Party, celebrating the spring, celebrating the major holidays and serving the political events of the country and the locality. The province successfully organized the "Culture - Tourism Festival of Hoa Binh province” in Hanoi to successfully celebrate the 13th Party Congress, the programs with the topic of the election of deputies to the XV National Assembly and deputies to the 15th National Assembly and the People's Councils at all levels for the term of 2021 – 2026. The continued propagating to raise the people's awareness and sense of responsibility in preventing and controlling Covid-19 epidemics. They organized the activities to celebrate the 135th year of the province foudation, 30th year of the province’s re-establishment. The Party committees and the appropriate authorities at all levels paid attention and created the conditions for the grassroots teams of propaganda and culture to develop. The clubs and the arts teams have been formes, attracting the participation of a large number of people, contributing to enriching the people's spiritual life, conserving and preserving the traditional cultural values of the nation. At present, 100% of the villages, the hamlets and the residential areas in the whole province have the arts teams with tens of thousands of actors and artisans, and the regularly practice to perform on the occasions of holidays, New Year and big festivals. The quality of the activities is constantly improving, meeting the needs of the people's cultural and spiritual activities.

The movement "All people unite to build the cultural life” has achieved many positive results. The Provincial Movement Steering Committee has developed a plan to deploy the movement with many specific contents, focusing on maintaining and improving the quality of the movement through activities of 5 contents and 7 movements. It is necesary to well perform the work of directing, guiding and propagating the documents, the contents and the tasks of the movement. The appropriate authorities, the localities and the local people of all walks of life have practically responded to the movement by the concrete actions such as building the cultural families, agencies, units and residential areas. In 2021, in the whole province there wer 86.4% of cultural families and 92.3% cultural villages. It was estimated that 95% of the agencies, the units and the enterprises would meet the cultural standards; 44 out of the 56 communes would meet the cultural standards of the new rural areas, accounting for 78.5%; 16 out of the 22 wards and townships would meet the standards of the urban civilization, accounting for 72.7%.

The work of preserving and promoting the value of the relics continues to receive the attention. The province successfully organized the thematic exhibition of "Collection of ancient worship paintings and artifacts donated by the philanthropic group in Ha Dong”. They decided to rank for a historical and cultural relics (the relics of Khoi communal house in An Nghia commune, Lac Son), bringing the total number of relics ranked in the province to 102 ones (there are 41 national-level relics; approving the establishment of the national ownership of 41 properties voluntarily transfered to the State’s ownership by the organizations and individuals); they restored 2 ancient bronze drums (Ngoc Luong drum - HB 3179 and Mong Hoa drum - HB 3731).

The localities have continued promoting the movement of "All people doing exercises following the example of great Uncle Ho”, and the number of people who regularly exercised and sports in the whole province reached 34.2%; the number of the sports households reached 25.9%. They successfully organized the Olympic Running Day for the health of the entire people in Hoa Binh province in 2021. The organization of the physical training and sports congresses at all levels has been paid attention to, and there have been 18 out of the 151 communes in the whole province so far. The wards have organizes a sports congress. They successfully organized 5 provincial sports tournaments, including the Provincial Volleyball Championship; the tournaments of badminton, table tennis, tennis and tug of war to celebrate the success of the 13th Party Congress; the 75th anniversary of the traditional day of Vietnam's sport and sports sector; the pprovincila table tennis – badminton championship; The first provincial semi-marathon tournament. The districts and the city organized 28 district-level sports tournaments and 166 commune-level sports ones with the participation of more than 30,815 athletes. High-achievement sports has continued getting the encouraging results. During the year, they successfully coordinated to organize the launching ceremony of Hoa Binh Football Club and organized the club's matches in the second division in 2021. They have maintained the training plan for the gifted sports classes, the training of the athletes of the high-achivement sports teams of the province. The provincial sports team participated in 9 regional and national sports tournaments and won 29 medals. 

In 2022, the cultural and sports activities will continue to be implemented in accordance with the situation of Covid-19 epidemics. The cultural and sports events will take place as planned, trying to get the 80% of the cultural households, 71% of the cultural villages, and 90% of the cultural agencies, units and enterprises meeting the cultural standards; the percentage of the people who practice sports regularly is 35.1%, and the percentage of the sports households is 26.4%; They will well prepare the conditions to successfully host cycling in the 31st SEA Games held in Vietnam…

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