With over 620 farmer members, in recent times, the Farmers' Union of Thu Phong commune (Cao Phong) has actively propagated and mobilized the officials and the members to promote the movement of building new rural areas with many effective, efficient, flexible and creative ways. Thereby, it has been contributing to maintaining the advanced rural area criteria in the locality, of which organizing the economic development models and maintaining environmental protection activities are the most notable

The farmers in Dung Tha village, Thu Phong commune (Cao Phong) have been developing their economy from the beekeeping model.

As one of the typical examples of the movement that the farmer emulates in good production and business of the Farmers’ Union, Mr. Bui Van Lan, who is from Dung Tha hamlet, has a stable source of income and customer with the domestic beekeeping model. Mr. Lan says: The family's success is also thanks to the great companionship and encouragement from the government and the Farmers’ Union of the commune. Through the bridge at all levels of the Unions, the families can access many support channels from the provincial to the district’s and commune’s levels and they can visit and learn from the models to accumulate experience and boldly invest in production. With about 400 bee colonies being maintained, my family earns an average annual income of over 200 million VND from selling bee seeds and exploiting honey.

In recent times, well organizing the service activities to support the farmers in economic development and sustainable poverty reduction has always been one of the key tasks being paid attention to by the Fảmers’Union. Accordingly, the Union has proactively been coordinating with the relevant units to deploy the investment service activities for the farmers, transferring scientific and technical advances, linking the corn seed production and supporting the product consumption for the farmers. Since the beginning of the year, the Farmers’ Union has coordinated to close the classes and award the certificates of fruit tree planting and caring to 35 learners; Developing a buffalo breeding project to request loans from the District’sFarmers Support Fund for 10 members; Collaborating and building a model of imported 4300 corn seed production in Thieu Nau hamlet with an area of ​​2,000m2. In addition, in order to promote the local products, 15 officials and members have participated in training to bring products to the e-commerce platform...

In order for the members to have more resources for the economic development, escaping poverty and getting rich in their homeland, the Farmers’ Union has well performed the entrustment activities with the banks to help them borrow capital for production and business. With a total outstanding debt of over 36.1 billion VND, nearly 500 households have received loans. Thereby, many members have exploited the local strengths for the economic development. In the whole commune there are over 90 member households with the income ranging from over 100 - 300 million VND a year. The number of the households registering for the title of Good Production and Business every year reaches 100% of the plan. The commune has built a cooperative group to plant and care for custard apples at Dinh Cun.

When the family’s economy develops, the farmer members become more active in responding to the call of the communal government to participate in building new rural areas. Thereby, the farmers in Thu Phong commune have voluntarily donated land to complete the road from Bung 1 hamlet to area 1 of Cao Phong town; the farmers in Bung 2 hamlet have actively built a model residential area. Along with that, the Farmers’ Union has mobilized the members to participate in the environmental protection movement through cleaning activities of the village roads and alleys; Coordinating with the associations and unions to clean the village streets, clearing the waterways and sewers, treating and collecting waste to reduce environmental pollution in residential areas...

The positive actions of the Farmers’ Union of Thu Phong commune have contributed to changing the rural appearance of the commune. In 2021, the commune was recognized to meet the advanced rural standards; In 2022, there was one 3-star OCOP product at the provincial level being recognized as the custard apple at Dinh Cun. The rural transportation system has been 100% asphalted and concreted; the village’s cultural houses have been invested in and built, the rural infrastructure has met the needs of the people... Ms. Bui Thi Thanh Hieu, the Chairwoman of the Farmers’ Union of Thu Phong says: Following the commune's orientation up to 2025, the Farmers’ Union of Thu Phong commune continues to mobilize and propagate the members' efforts to exploit the local potential and strengths in theeconomic development; Contributing the material and labor to the construction, maintenance and renovation of community works; embellishing the houses and residential areas; Participating in the models of environmental protection, responding to the climate change... contributing to changing the appearance of rural areas, maintaining the advanced rural area criteria.

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