In Tan Lac district no communes are meeting the standards of the advanced new rural areas so far. There are 10 out of the 15 communes meeting the standards of the new rural areas, an average of 16.0 criteria for every commune. According to the implementation plan of the National Target Program to build new rural areas in 2024, the district aims to have one more commune meeting the new rural standards this year, it is Ngo Luong; Two communes meeting the standards of the advanced rural areas are Dong Lai and Tu Ne; trying to reach an average of 16.5 criteria a commune by the end of the year and there are 3 more products being recognized OCOP.

Trying to achieve the standards of the advanced new rural areas, Dong Lai commune (Tan Lac) has prioritized the resources to synchronize the irrigation and in-field transportation systems, thereby it helps improving the efficiency of the agricultural production efficiency.

Mr. Bui Duc Hien, the Head of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of Tan Lac district, says: Compared to the previous period, the communes trying to achieve the standards of the new and improved rural areas in the period of 2021 - 2025 period must face many challenges. All the 5 communes that do not meet the standards of the new rural areas are all the communes in the difficult areas with limited socio-economic conditions, low per capita income, high rates of poor and near-poor households, and the infrastructure for production and life is not synchronized, it is difficult to mobilize the investment resources... In fact, during the implementation process, some criteria are difficult to implement, such as criterion No. 10 on income; Criterion No. 11 on multidimensional poverty (including poor and near-poor households); Criterion No. 14 on health, criterion No. 6 on culture... In particular, in the context of difficulties in investment resources, the communes are having difficulty accelerating the completion of the goal of reaching the new rural area.

By the end of May, the implementation results are as follows: among the 5 communes that have not met the standards of the new rural areas, no commune has met 15 - 18 criteria, and the communes have only met 9 - 14 criteria. For all 5 communes, the goal of achieving the standards of the new rural areas is still quite far, especially for Ngo Luong commune, which has only achieved 9 out of the 19 criteria.

The pressure of both time and workload is also a difficult problem for the two communes trying to achieve the standards of the advanced rural areas by the end of this year, Tu Ne and Dong Lai. Recorded in Tu Ne commune, the commune has achieved 16 out of the 19 criteria (including criteria: 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19) so far. From now until the end of the year, the resources will be prioritized to realize three unmet criteria in the fields of planning, culture and health.

In Dong Lai commune, to achieve the goal of becoming one of the first two localities in the district to meet the standards of the advanced rural commune, there will be many challenges in the coming time because there are still 5 criteria that have not been met. Up to date, the commune has achieved 14 out of the 19 criteria (including criteria: 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19). Among the 5 unmet criteria, the commune prioritizes mobilizing the resources to implement criterion No. 2 on transportation, criterion No. 6 on culture, and at the same time they focus on implementing the solutions to help improve agricultural production efficiency, increasing per capita income and reducing the rate of poor and near-poor households by the end of 2024, aiming to reach the standards of the advanced rural areas.

It is known that the People's Committee of Tan Lac district has increased its work with the communes trying to reach the target by 2024 to evaluate the implementation situation, assigning the tasks to the agencies in charge of criteria to coordinate with the Communal People's Committee to continue implementing the solutions with the spirit of overcoming difficulties and trying to complete the yearly plan. In general, from now till the end of the year, Tan Lac district will strengthen the direction, inspection and supervision of the implementation of 3 National Target Programs, including the new rural development program. With the high political determination, the District’s People's Committee has directed the agencies and the units in charge of the criteria and People's Committees of the communes to continue maintaining and improving the quality of the completed criteria, trying to ensure the progress in completing the unmet criteria. Along with that, the District’s Party Committee, the People's Council, the People's Committee, the Fatherland Front Committee and the district’s organizations, and the District Steering Committee for National Target Programs will focus on organizing inspection, supervision and direction in the communes, determining to speed up for the three communes to be able to reach the new rural finish line in 2024 as planned.

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