Over the recent years, Hoa Binh city’s thorough implementation of the Party Central Committee’s Resolution No. 33-NQ/TW dated June 9, 2014, on building and developing Vietnamese culture and people meeting requirements of sustainable national development has brought about significant changes in local public awareness.

 Musical and folk dance troupe of Ward 5, Thai Binh district, Hoa Binh city, performs at a pedestrian street.

Sports clubs and artistic groups have been established in residential areas across the city. Ta Thi Lieu, the leader of a folk dance group with 14 members in Ward 5, Thai Binh district, shared that members, spanning from working-age adults to retirees, participate enthusiastically to improve their health and spiritual well-being. The team actively performs at community commemorations and major festivals organised at the district and city levels.

Nguyen Thi Dung, the head of the Hoa Binh city Party Committee's Information and Education Commission, noted significant transformations in the city’s mindset, practices, and appearance in recent years. Substantial investments have led to pronounced changes in urban infrastructure, commerce, and services.

Efforts to conserve and promote tangible and intangible cultural values have been prioritised, with several traditional festivals, folk songs, folk games, and traditional sports revitalised. Within the city, 198 out of the 214 hamlets and residential units have cultural centres, among which 195 have sports facilities. There are 182 active sports clubs established under the People's Committees of wards and communes. Additionally, there are 470 sports teams and groups within agencies, units, enterprises, hamlets, and residential units. The rates of people engaging in regular physical exercise and adhering to physical fitness training regimes reach 37% and 99%, respectively. The number of hamlets and residential units accredited as cultural areas have increased annually, with 208 out of 214 achieving the status in 2023.

As of March 2024, all the seven local communes had met the criteria for new-style rural development, with Yen Mong, Hop Thanh, and Mong Hoa recognised as advanced new-style rural areas. In December 2023, the rates of poverty households stood at 1.06% and of near-poor households at 1.35%.

Looking ahead, authorities will continue upholding the traditions of solidarity and collective effort, elevate awareness and responsibility, and effectively guide and implement the building and development of culture and people in the new period.

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