Nations urge diplomatic and sustainable solution in Syria as an airstrike by the United States and its allies on April 14 on Syrian government facilities earlier on the same day stoked fear for an escalation of the situation.

Surface-to-air missiles are seen over Syria's capital Damascus on April 14, 2018, as the Syrian air defenses were responding to US-led attacks. (Photo:Xinhua)


UN Secretary General, António Guterres, said that while use of chemical weapons was "abhorrent” and "horrendous”, he urged caution in retaliating, expressing concern that any escalation of the violence would only increase the suffering of those living in Syria.

"I urge all member states to show restraint in these dangerous circumstances and to avoid any acts that could escalate the situation and worsen the suffering of the Syrian people,” Guterres said in a statement.

In a response to questions about the strikes, China’s foreign ministry called any military action that bypasses the UN security council a violation of international law.

"We consistently oppose the use of force in international relations, and advocate respect for the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of all countries,” foreign ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said in a statement.

"China believes that a political solution is the only realistic way out for the Syrian issue,” she added. "China urges all the relevant parties to return to the framework of international law and to resolve the issue through dialogue and consultation.”

China supports the United Nations in playing an active role and calls on the international community to stick to diplomacy and the course of political settlement, give full play to the role of the United Nations as the main mediator.

Leaders of Latin American nations on April 14 urged a diplomatic solution to the conflict in Syria, as an airstrike by the United States and its allies on Syrian government facilities earlier on the same day stoked fear for an escalation of the situation.

"We have stated that an international solution is needed, and not a fragmented (response). As we said, there must be a solution through international law and not by strength," Brazilian President Michel Temer told reporters on the sideline of the eighth Summit of the Americas held in the Peruvian capital of Lima.

Argentine President Mauricio Macri called for countries to avoid escalating the tensions.

"Argentina calls on the international community to take steps which allow for the preservation of peace and security, avoid actions which will cause an escalation of tensions and ... follow paths of dialogue within existing international commitments," Macri said.

Panamanian President Juan Carlos Varela, for his part, rallied the international community to seek ways to reach lasting peace in Syria "after the severe events of the last few days."

Greece called on the international community to "remain focused on finding a political and sustainable solution in Syria" following the US-led air strikes against Damascus over the alleged use of chemical weapons.

Caution, calmness, seriousness and responsibility are required, said Serbian president Aleksandar Vucic on April 14 while commenting on the US strikes on Syria allegedly connected with chemical weapons, stressing that stability must be maintained at any cost.

Malaysia said on April 15 that it was deeply concerned over the joint air strikes on Syria carried out by the United States, France and Britain, calling on all parties to demonstrate restraint and avoid any actions that could escalate the conflict further.

Pakistan has called upon all parties involved in Syrian conflict to refrain from action that is contrary to the charter of the United Nations.

"We are following the situation in Syria with grave concern. We call on all sides to refrain from actions inconsistent with the UN Charter," Pakistan Foreign Ministry spokesman Mohammad Faisal said.


                        Source: NDO

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