Le Thanh Liem, Vice Chairman of the Ho Chi Minh City People’s Committee, told visiting Cuban Minister of Foreign Trade and Investment Rodrigo Malmierca Diaz that the Southern largest economic hub is ready to share its experience in economic management and development with Cuba, contributing to the development of friendship relations between Vietnam and Cuba.

Ho Chi Minh City wants to step up economic and trade cooperation programs with Cuba, a local official said on October 4. 

He said the success of the 35th meeting of the Vietnam-Cuba Intergovernmental Committee, which took place in Hanoi on October 2, will open up new opportunities for development cooperation, especially in trade and investment, between Cuba and Vietnam, including Ho Chi Minh City. 


                                The two sides in a group photo 

The people of Ho Chi Minh City in particular and Vietnam in general always keep in mind good sentiments and wholehearted support of the Cuban people during the past struggle for national independence and reunification as well as the present cause of national construction and development, Liem said. 

Ho Chi Minh City’s leaders and people always stand side by side with the Cuban people in the process of national construction and development, thus helping to nurture and develop the special friendship between the two countries, he added. 

For his part, Minister Diaz congratulated Ho Chi Minh City on its strong and dynamic development and affirmed that the Cuban people treasure and want to boost the solidarity, friendship and fraternity with the Vietnamese people, including those in Ho Chi Minh City. 

The minister noted that bilateral cooperation has yet to match great potentials of both countries, adding that during the 35th meeting of the Vietnam-Cuba Intergovernmental Committee, both sides agreed to advance economic ties on par with the fruitful political relations. 

They also consented to create the best possible conditions for trade promotion and cooperation between Vietnamese and Cuban businesses.


                                                         Source: PANO

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