On January 9th, the Department of Education and Training held a conference to summarize the school year of 2024, reviewing the semester I and deploy tasks for 2025, semester II of the 2024-2025 school year. There was the attendance of Mr. Nguyen Van Chuong, the Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee.
Mr. Nguyen Van Chuong, the Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee, delivered a speech directing the conference.
In 2024 and semester I of the 2024-2025 school year, the education and training sector has achieved many outstanding results. All levels of education from the preschool education to the general education, continuing education and vocational education have achieved good results, the quality of education at all levels is increasingly becoming more substantial and sustainable. The sector continues to maintain, consolidate and improve the results of universalizing preschool education for 5-year-old children, universalizing primary education, universalizing secondary education, and eliminating illiteracy. The vocational education and streaming in general education continue to be promoted. The attention is paid to the conditions of the facilities and teaching equipment in schools. Training and fostering the teachers, the educational managers and the quality of teachers are gradually improved.
In 2024, in the whole province, there were 316 out of the 516 kindergartens and general schools meeting the national standards, reaching a rate of 61.24%. The rate of students completing primary education is 99.52%; the rate of students graduating from junior high school is 99.33%; the rate of high school graduation is 99.5%, ranking 36th nationwide, increasing 5 places compared to that of 2023... In the first semester of the 2024 - 2025 school year, the sector has focused on implementing the key tasks. In particular, they have perfected the institutions, improved the effectiveness and efficiency of state management of education; effectively implemented the preschool education, general education and continuing and professional education programs; paying attention to and cared for the education in the area of the ethnic minority, the education in disadvantaged areas...
At the conference, the delegates focused on discussing and presenting on a number of contents: building the new rural areas as criteria in the field of education and training; preserving and promoting the national cultural identity in schools; the difficulties and solutions in performing the tasks...
Making the directing speech at the conference, Mr. Nguyen Van Chuong, the Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee, acknowledged, highly appreciated and commended the important results achieved by the Education and Training sector in 2024, the first semester of the 2024-2025 school year. At the same time, he requested the Education and Training sector to perform well the key tasks in the coming time: Organizing the dissemination of Decision No. 1705/QD-TTg, dated December 31, 2024, of the Prime Minister approving the Education Development Strategy to 2030, with a vision to 2045, and advising on the issuance of the Implementation Plan; Developing a plan to implement Plan No. 285-KH/TU, dated on November 29, 2024 of the Provincial Party Committee Standing Committee to implement Conclusion No. 91-KL/TW, dated on August 12, 2024 of the Politburo on continuing to implement Resolution No. 29-NQ/TW, dated on November 4, 2013 on the fundamental and comprehensive innovation of education and training to meet the requirements of industrialization and modernization in the context of a socialist-oriented market economy and international integration. It is suggested to proactively and actively advise and propose to the Provincial Party Committee, the People's Council, and the Provincial People's Committee to issue the policies and guidelines on education and training suitable to the local situation; paying attention to the mechanism of the tuition support for students...
From mastering the fundamentals of programming to achieving national recognition, the Programming Club of the Le Van Tam Primary School (STAR LVT28) in Hoa Binh city has made remarkable strides in the field of robotics.
The Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union Committee and the Vietnam Youth Federation chapter of Hoa Binh province organised a programme on March 12 to launch the "Digital Literacy" movement and an online quiz on the resolutions of the Vietnam Youth Federation congresses at all levels, as well as the Politburo's Resolution No. 57-NQ/TW on breakthroughs in the development of science, technology, innovation, and national digital transformation.
As climate change grows more unpredictable, the development of production forests has become essential - not just for economic growth, but for safeguarding the environment and maintaining ecosystem balance. By boosting local incomes, curbing natural disasters, preventing soil erosion, and protecting water resources, these forests play a crucial role in sustainable development.
Hoa Binh Social Insurance has played a key role in ensuring social security for nearly 30 years since its establishment in 1995.
With a desire to preserve and spread traditional cultural values, many young people are leveraging TikTok to showcase the tourism, culture, historical sites, entertainment, and cuisine of their hometown, Hoa Binh, to a wider audience.
Seeing that traditional medicine, together with modern medicine, plays an important role in ensuring comprehensive health care for people, the Hoa Binh provincial Traditional Medicine Association has continuously built and strengthened its organisation while guiding members to fulfil their mission to ensure public health.