The Hoa Binh People’s Council on June 28 held a plenary session, during which participants voted to approve resolutions and conducted the closing ceremony. The session drew the attendance of Nguyen Phi Long, alternate member of the Party Central Committee and Secretary of the provincial Party Committee, and leaders of the provincial People’s Committee, and the provincial Vietnam Fatherland Front (VFF) Committee, as well as departments and sectors.

At the plenary session.

At the session, participants discussed reports presented by standing members of the provincial People’s Council and the provincial People’s Committee and sectors, focusing on issues related to economic growth, the progress of some projects and the disbursement of State investment capital, and the implementation of national target programmes.

They also pointed to the slow issuance of land use right certificates, shortcomings in management and exploitation of mineral resources, wastefulness in resources, and the environmental pollution situation.

The session adopted 25 resolutions proposed by the provincial People’s Council and the provincial People’s Committee.

Closing the session, Chairman of the provincial People’s Council Bui Duc Hinh asked delegates to meet voters to inform them of the outcomes of the session, while actively supervising the implementation of the Constitution and laws, and reporting current issues of the social life to the provincial People's Council, the provincial People’s Committee and relevant agencies.

The provincial People's Council requested its standing members and boards of the provincial People's Council and the provincial People's Committee, and the provincial VFF Committee to deploy measures to ensure the effective realisation of the newly-approved resolutions.

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