Luong Son district’s fatherland committees at all levels have renewed their operation and carried out various patriotic emulation movements, contributing to effectively realising the socio-economic development missions, and maintaining local defence-security.

The management board of the "For the Poor” fund in Luong Son district provides housing support for a poor household in Lien Son commune.

The committees have joined hands with their member organisations to roll out a wide range of practical and effective activities to encourage people from all walks of life to well implement the Party’s policies and State’s regulations, while ensuring the locals’ legitimate rights.

Working to grasp the public opinion, they have proposed measures, and removed bottlenecks for the locals in a timely manner, helping promote solidarity in the community.

Thirty-three conferences between the National Assembly deputies, representatives of the provincial People’s Council and those of the district People’s Council and voters have been arranged since 2023. Voters’ opinions raised at the events have been documented and sent to competent authorities for settlement.

The standing board of the district fatherland front committee has engaged in social supervision and criticism, prevention of corruption and wastefulness, and building of the strong Party and administration, thus consolidating the great national solidarity and creating motives to realise local political missions.

The campaign "the whole people build new style rural areas and civilised urban areas”, implemented by the fatherland front at all levels, has received enthusiastic response from the locals. Many have donated land for the construction of rural roads, public facilities and lighting system, contributing to creating a facelift to the locality.

Besides, with the "fund for the poor”, the fatherland front has helped repair and build nine houses, and present gifts to poor and near-poor households, and policy beneficiary families.

According to Cao Xuan Hung, head of the mass mobilisation board of the district Party Committee and President of the district Fatherland Front committee, the campaigns have encouraged locals to make efforts to develop the economy, while consolidating the great national solidarity bloc to build Luong Son into a district with sustainable development.

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