Currently, farmers in Kim Boi district are busy harvesting various types of melon, such as honeydew melon, cucumber, and watermelon. The cultivation of these plants has so far helped farmers maximise land use, enhance production value per unit area, and contribute to the restructuring of local crops.

 Farmers from Sao Bay commune sell melons along a national highway.

These days, local growers are working hard to reap the fruit of their labour. In addition to wholesale, they sell melons at local markets and roadside stalls. Favourable prices have been recorded, with watermelons sold for 10,000-15,000 VND (0.4-0.6 USD) per kg, and cucumbers and honeydew melons for 12,000-15,000 VND per kg.

According to the Kim Boi Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, this spring crop saw over 52 hectares of watermelons, nearly 300 hectares of cucumbers, and over 52 hectares of honeydew melons planted. Their plantations concentrate in the communes of Du Sang, Vinh Dong, Sao Bay, Nam Thuong, and Kim Lap. Harvesting progress now varies from 50-80%, with the rate for cucumbers topping, at over 80%.

In recent years, Vinh Dong commune has seen many households opting to plant cucumber. Its cultivation is relatively simple and it can bring about higher income than rice, with stable market demand. Bui Thi Anh, a resident in Chieng hamlet in Vinh Dong, said: "This season, my family grew over 1,000 square meters of cucumber As soon as we harvest, traders and locals buy them immediately."

Deputy Director of the department Nguyen Thi Minh Anh noted that these crops suit the local soil and climate, therefore, the district encourages farmers to actively shift crop structure to maximise land use and increase income. This year’s early hot weather has boosted melon consumption as they are sought-after for summer cooling.

According to her, from the beginning of the season, the district collaborated with specialists to train farmers in melon cultivation and caring techniques toward the best yields and quality. However, due to the lack of a product purchasing unit, melons are still retailed, resulting in unstable prices. Moving forward, the district will encourage growers to continue maintaining their growing areas and advise them to avoid overplanting to prevent oversupply and subsequent price drops, thus negatively impacting their livelihoods.

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