According to the Provincial Tax Department, by the end of May 2024, the province's total state budget revenue was about 2,758.5 billion VND, reaching 72.9% of the ordinance estimate, reaching 50.2% of the Provincial People's Council estimate, equal to 202.3% of that at the same period. Of which, the land use fee collection was about 1,330.9 billion VND, reaching 161.7% of the ordinance estimate, reaching 66.5% of the Provincial People's Council estimate; Tax and fee collection (except the land use fees) was 1,427.7 billion VND, reaching 48.3% of the ordinance estimate, reaching 40.8% of the Provincial People's Council estimate.

Mr. Vu Hong Long, the Secretary of the Party Committee – the Director of the Provincial Tax Department is deploying the tasks and solutions for the state budget collection in June 2024.

Some revenues that increased compared to those of the same period are the foreign investment increased by 100.2%; The environmental protection tax increased by 61.6%; Non-state industrial and commercial revenues increased by 44.4%; Fees and charges increased by 51.2%. The land use fees alone increased 16.1 times due to Trung Minh New Urban Area Co., Ltd. paying 1,002 billion VND; Dream Lands Group joint Stock Company paid 90.4 billion VND; Hoa Binh Housing Development joint Stock Company paid about 65.2 billion VND.

To ensure the completion of the domestic revenue estimate in June of about 340 billion VND, the cumulatively of the expected revenue until June 30, 2024, is about 3,098.5 billion VND, reaching 81.9% of the Government's estimate, reaching 56.3 billion VND. % of the Provincial People's Council's estimate. The Tax Department recommends that the units continue to strengthen the review of revenues, and taxes, and exploit the potential revenue sources; Strengthening the inspection and examination to promptly detect and handle the tax law violations by taxpayers. Doing a good job of coordinating with the relevant departments and branches of the province, district and city to develop the plans and implement the work of preventing tax loss according to each field and industry with high tax risks.

It is suggested to promote the collection of the outstanding tax debt, including fully implementing measures to urge and enforce the tax debt and increase the application of immigration suspension measures for the individuals and the individuals who are the representatives of the legal representation of taxpayers who are the businesses that are being forced to implement the administrative decisions on tax management, however, they have not fulfilled their tax payment obligations, especially in cases that are no longer operating in their locality they have just registered. At the same time, they continue to closely coordinate with the agencies in providing information to promptly and effectively deploy tax debt enforcement measures according to the provisions of the Law on Tax Administration to recover tax debts, especially for debts of land use fees, land rents, mineral exploitation rights fees… It is recommended to complete the targets of the assigned debt collection, contributing to completing the task of the state budget collection as well as tax management in the locality.

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