Tan Lac district on June 18 held its 4th Congress of Ethnic Minorities, drawing the participation of 150 delegates from the district's ethnic minority areas.

Leader of the Tan Lac district People's Committee awards certificates of merit to collectives with outstanding achievements in the emulation movement for socio-economic development in ethnic minority and mountainous areas. 

Over recent years, ethnic minorities in the district in general and ethnic minorities in extremely difficult areas in the district in particular have benefited a lot from national target programmes, contributing to creating a facelift in rural areas and favourable conditions for socio-economic development, and improving locals’ knowledge. In the 2019 – 2024 period, local ethnic minorities have made efforts to boost economic development, and agricultural and forestry in a sustainable and comprehensive direction. The district has achieved important socio-economic development results, with the poverty rate decreasing from 19.66% in 2019 to 9.40% in late 2023. 

In the coming time, Tan Lac strives to have the average income of ethnic minorities reaching at least half of the national average, reduce the poverty rate to below 7%, and basically have no longer particularly difficult communes. In addition, 40% of ethnic minority labourers will know how to work in the fields of industry, handicrafts, tourism, and services; and 90% of communes and villages in ethnic minority and mountainous areas have enough infrastructure to meet socio-economic development requirements. 

The congress elected 10 delegates to attend the higher-level congress. On this occasion, the Chairperson of the district People's Committee awarded certificates of merit to eight collectives and 15 individuals with outstanding achievements in the emulation movement for socio-economic development in ethnic minority and mountainous areas.

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