In Thuong Coc commune (Lac Son), there are over 9,000 people, living in 14 hamlets. Recently, the commune has increased propaganda for the people so that they practice physical training and sports to improve health; Each person chooses a suitable sport and type of exercise, creating the healthy living habit. From there, it contributes to improving the physical and mental health, the enthusiasm for production, and joining hands to build an increasingly rich, beautiful, and civilized homeland.

The officials and the people in Thuong Coc commune (Lac Son) were participating in the Olympic Running Day in 2024 for the health of all people organized by the Communal People's Committee.

With many practical activities responding to the campaign "All people do exercises according to the great example of Uncle Ho”, the commune's mass movement of physical exercise is enthusiastically participated by the people from all walks of life, creating a joyful and exciting atmosphere, spreading the spirit of physical training to every residential area. Every day, even though it is quite busy, the people arrange and take the time to practice in physical training. Every early morning or late afternoon, at the yard of the cultural houses of the hamlets, the atmosphere of practice is exciting. Not only the officials and civil servants, but also a large number of students, the union members, the young people, the middle-aged and elderly people are all enthusiastic about practicing.

Volleyball is a sport that the people love and practice most often. Along with the subjects such as stick pushing, crossbow shooting, football, and men's volleyball that are the strong subjects of the commune, and the reap the impressive achievements in many tournaments of the province and district. This is also the driving force for the mass sports movement in Thuong Coc commune to grow stronger and stronger.

Every year, the commune organizes many activities and sports tournaments on the occasion of Tet, celebrating the major holidays and important political events of the country and the locality, creating a healthy playground for the people to participate in the spirit of solidarity, exchanging, learning, and community engagement. At the same time, it helps discover and select the talented and promising elements, who are the core force of the communal sports team to compete in district-level sports tournaments. Among them, the outstanding athletes are Bui Van Thach (Cao village), who won a silver medal at the provincial youth championship for crossbow, tug of war, and stick pushing in 2024; Bui Van Manh (Tre Hamlet) who won a gold medal at district’s youth championship for crossbow shooting, tug of war, stick pushing in 2024...

In addition, the commune has been focusing on investing in facilities, yards, and training equipment, contributing to promoting the movement. Currently, in the entire commune, there are 14 sports training fields, some hamlets have 2 fields, basically meeting the health training needs of the people. The socialization of the mass sports activities has been promoted and achieved effectiveness. Many businesses and individuals regularly contribute funds to organize the sports tournaments at the facility. To keep the "fire" going for the sports activities in the locality, the commune has been maintaining the stable operation of 2 steam volleyball clubs, the folk dance clubs and sports teams in each hamlet. Thereby it has been strongly promoting the sports movement in the area at the grassroots, gradually increasing the rate of people participating in regular exercise and sports households.

Ms. Bui Thi Dung, the cultural and social civil servant of Thuong Coc commune, says: "With the attention of the Party committee, the local authorities and the participation of the entire political system, the solidarity and joint efforts of the people, the commune's mass physical training movement is increasingly flourishing, spreading widely, constantly improving in both quantity and quality. Through promoting propaganda work, the people are fully aware of the role and importance of physical training, thereby they proactively and actively participate in physical training and the number of households practicing sports has increased each year and it has been indispensable in the daily lives of many people...".

From the attention and investment, the mass sports movement in Thuong Coc commune is increasingly developing, contributing to improving health, physical health and enhancing the cultural and spiritual life of the people.

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