Kim Boi district, identified as a key zone of tourism, urban, and service development, has been coordinating with relevant sectors and units to carry out various measures on planning, investment attraction, tourism product development, and brand building to maximise its distinctive tourism potential and advantages.

Na Bo tourist site in Sao Bay commune, Kim Boi district, attracts plenty of visitors.

Over the past years, Kim Boi has recorded vibrant tourism activities with many investment projects now being studied and implemented. Work has started on some new projects and tourism establishments been upgraded and provided high-quality products for visitors.

Thanks to stronger investment, such places as Serena Resort in Sao hamlet of Sao Bay commune and the Ha Binh hot mineral spring resort in Bo town have enjoyed good growth in the tourist number and revenue. Besides, some community-based tourism sites connected with local landscapes and culture have also come into being, drawing a large number of travellers from far and wide.

Holding great opportunities for tourism and service development, over recent years, Kim Boi has enhanced the management over tourism and taken actions to boost tourism. In particular, it has stepped up the introduction of local potential and advantages while creating the best possible conditions for businesses, organisations, and individuals to conduct surveys and register tourism investments.

Nguyen Vu Hoa, head of the district’s culture and information division, said that since the start of 2024, Kim Boi has organised many activities to popularise local potential and advantages to attract tourism investment. It held a meeting with authorities of Sao Bay commune to discuss the management of tourism services in riverside areas, and also issued guidance for the establishment of two tourism cooperatives.

The district is currently home to 53 accommodation facilities, including six resorts and hotels together with 47 hostels, providing 869 rooms and 1,077 beds. Meanwhile, 1,500 people are working in the tourism sector, including 450 directly at tourism service establishments and the remainders indirect and seasonal workhands. During the first half of 2024, Kim Boi welcomed more than 325,000 tourist arrivals and earned about 375 billion VND (15 million USD) in tourism revenue.

However, the district admitted that both the number and diversity of local tourism products remain limited while it still lacks entertainment and shopping places to keep travellers to stay here longer and spend more.

With a view to capitalising on its potential and advantages and building a brand for local tourism, Kim Boi has strengthened state management, coordinated with relevant agencies and sectors to improve the investment and business environment, while supporting and assisting capable businesses to make tourism investments. In particular, it has properly carried out site clearance for key projects, including roads linking the district with other localities and ecotourism complexes in Cuoi Ha commune, so that they could be opened soon.

The district is also calling for investment to the projects meeting at least three-star standards, strongly developing community-based tourism, giving support to investments in cultural, ecological, relaxation, sports and entertainment tourism, and fostering partnerships with relevant parties to design new eco-tourism products linked with the culture of local ethnic groups.

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