Right on the occasion of the 134th anniversary of Uncle Ho's birthday (May 19th, 1890 - May 19th, 2024), the Public Security of Lac Son District organized a donation of breeding cows to the two families in extremely difficult circumstances: Mr. Bui Van Quyet's household from Trang Doi hamlet, Yen Phu commune; Mrs. Bui Thi Dien's household from Com street, Vu Ban town.

The leaders from the Public Security of Lac Son district were giving breeding cows to the two extremely difficult households in Yen Phu commune and Vu Ban town.  

Lieutenant Colonel Bui Van Ha, the Head of the District’s Public Security, says: The cow donation program is one of the practical contents from the "joining hands for the community life” model that has been built and implemented since 2016 by the Party Committee of the district’s Public Sưecurity. By mobilizing monthly salary deductions, each officer and soldier contributes 50,000 VND a month to the fund. Since then, many poor households, lonely elderly people, people in difficult circumstances and the sick people have received the timely support.

Witnessing the handover ceremony of breeding cows to Mr. Bui Van Quyet's family in Trang Doi hamlet, Ms. Pham Thi Van Anh, the Vice Chairman of the People's Committee of Yen Phu commune, says: Mr. Quyet's situation is particularly difficult. The Party committee and the local authorities have recognized and thanked the good deeds and actions of district’s police officers and soldiers. We believe that the program will be a fulcrum and motivation for the families to be helped to rise up, gradually stabilize their lives and escape poverty.

By the end of May 2024, the "joining hands for the community life” model has donated 20 breeding cows to the families with difficult circumstances, creating a sustainable source of livelihood. In addition, many other meaningful tasks are also implemented by the District’sPolice. They are building the gratitude houses, providing cash and in-kind support for the cases of unexpected difficulties; giving scholarships and bicycles to the poor students... Since 2021, the model has been maintained with the outstanding results: Coordinating with the districts’ and the city's police in the province to donate houses of gratitude to a part-time police officer with the housing difficulties in Thuong Coc commune with the funding support of 100 million VND and many working days of the officers and the soldiers; donating 14 bicycles with the total value of 15 million VND to the students in My Thanh and An Nghia communes; supporting 10 million VND to encourage the families living in Thuong Coc commune with thehouses damaged by fire; donating 180 fruit seedlings and repairing houses to 2 relatives of the police martyrs in Tan My and Van Son communes; giving 60 sets of gifts to the poor students overcoming difficulties; supporting 5 million for the 3 orphans of both parents in Yen Nghiep commune... In addition, the officers and the soldiers have also actively donated to support the fund building: Gratitude Fund, the Fund For the poor, caring for the elderly, protecting children, serving victims of Agent Orange, camaraderie, and preventing natural disasters.

According to the Chief of Lac Son District’s Police, Mr. Bui Van Ha, the practical results of the model and volunteering activities have left a mark in the hearts of the people, supported by the Party Committee, the authorities and the local people. After receiving help and encouragement, the lives of many households have improved in all aspects with the efforts in labor and production to sustainably reduce poverty. The total fund of the model is currently over 300 million VND. The Public Security plans to continue to survey and help the difficult cases. Through that, it is suggested integrating the advocacy and propaganda so that the people strictly comply with and implement the Party's guidelines and the State’s policies and laws.

The Party Committee of Lac Son District organized a preliminary review of 3 years of implementing Conclusion No. 01-KL/TW of the Politburo on continuing to implement Directive No. 05-CT/TW on "Promoting learning and following Ho Chi Minh's ideology, ethics and style”. Lac Son district’s police is one of the 10 groups rewarded for the outstanding achievements. "joining hands for the community life” is a typical model in learning and working following Ho Chi Minh's ideology, ethics, and style, which helps spread good values, strengthening the close relationship between the police and the people, and building the image of the police soldiers serving for the people.

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