Senior women in rural and ethnic minority areas are considered an abundant labour workforce, as people in the working age have often worked far away from home in recent years. Therefore, many units, departments, sectors and cooperatives in Hoa Binh have worked with enterprises inside and outside the province to generate jobs for the local women.

 Luong Phu agricultural service cooperative in Tan Lac district sign an order on handicraft making to create jobs for 600 local labourers.

Nguyen Thi Bay, Director of the Luong Phu agricultural service cooperative, said the local ethnic female workforce is quite abundant. Most of the women live by farming. They look for jobs in off-season days. Although they are out of the working age and can not work far away, they are still capable of working.

"Our cooperative is seeking orders on handicraft making to create jobs and incomes for them. Currently, the cooperative is generating jobs for 600 labourers with 90% of whom are ethnic women," Bay said.

Brocade weaving is a traditional profession of local residents of many generationsin in Mai Chau district. Over the years, brocade weaving cooperatives have been created jobs for many ethnic women.

Ha Thi Xien, a resident of Chieng Chau commune's Chieng Chau hamlet, shared that although she is out of the working age but she is still in the pink of health.

"I have more free time after finishing daily domestic work. Many local women in the commune like me. I found a job suitable for my health," she said. Work at the Hoa Ban brocade weaving cooperative in Chieng Chau generates a stable income for Xien. She expressed her hope that many units and businesses will have more orders and a variety of products suitable for women in the same age group with her, thus helping stabilise their lives while preseving the traditional trade.

In addition to brocade weaving, many trades have been promoted at local cooperatives such as aloe vera planting, for-export handicraft making and pig raising, among others, helping generate incomes while stabilising lives for local senior ethnic women.


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