The Women’s Union of Cao Phong district has carried out many practical activities under the project "implementing gender equality and solving urgent problems of women and children” under the national target programme for socio-economic development in ethnic minority and mountainous areas for 2021-2030. The first phase of the project is rolled out in Cao Phong dictrict in 2021-2025 period.

Cao Phong District Women's Union organises training on communication skills relating to gender equality and gender integration. 

The project focuses on organising communication activities to change mindset and working style, contributing to eliminating prejudices and gender stereotypes in families and communities, enhancing women’s economic empowerment, promoting gender equality and solving urgent problems of women and children. 

It also aims to ensure the voice and substantive participation of women and children in socio-economic development activities of the community, support women’s leadership in the political system as well as equip officials in the political system, village elders and reputable people in the community with knowledge about gender equality and skills to implement gender integration. 

Vi Thi Hanh, Chairwoman of the district Women's Union, said that the project is being implemented on a trial basis in four communes, namely Thach Yen, Thung Nai, Hop Phong, Bac Phong, and 30 extremely disadvantaged communes. 

To date, 23 community media groups with 209 members have been formed to advocate for changes in mindset and working style, contributing to eliminating prejudices and gender stereotypes in families and communities, harmful cultural practices and promptly solving urgent problems for women and children, especially those in ethnic minority and mountainous areas. 

Five trusted addresses have been established to protect women and children who are victims of domestic violence with the involvement of 49 members. 

The union has organised a training session for women-owned cooperatives and cooperative groups in the application of science and technology, and three other sessions to provide knowledge about gender equality and skills for gender mainstreaming for officials in the political system, village elders and reputable people in the community. It has also hosted six dialogues to promote the voice and role of women on issues relating to farming, animal husbandry, employment, clean water, preventing and combating violence against women and children and economic development. 

The project has proved to be effective in changing gender prejudices and promoting gender equality in society. 

The implementation of the project has helped raise social awareness of gender equality and the rights of women and children. Women have participating in all areas of social life, especially in the fields of politics, economics, education, health, culture and society. The right to equality in family, the right to study, the right to work, the right to protection and health care, and the right to enjoy basic social services of women and children are guaranteed.

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