During the two days of June 27th - 28th, 38 "Supporting the exam season” teams with nearly 1,700 volunteers were present at 38 exam sites in the province to support more than 9,800 candidates taking the exam at the High School Graduation Exam in 2024.

The starting team "Supporting the exam season” at Lac Long Quan High School, Hoa Binh City.

During this The "Supporting the exam season” round, the Provincial Youth Communist Union and the Provincial United Youth Union coordinated with the businesses to support 330 free meals, 8,000 bottles of drinking water, 2,175 sets of school supplies, and 7.9 million VND of scholarship and many other supports such as hand fans, lemon tea, 2,000 cartons of milk, 60 shuttle buses, over 800 free motorbike taxis, 2,000 boxes of sparkling C, 1,500 hand fans and necessary items such as umbrellas, shirts, hats for the candidates, the candidates’ family members and volunteers. The total value of the support gifts in the program is 520 million VND.

The volunteers are participating in the "Supporting the exam season” at Tan Lac High School, Tan Lac district.

The "Supporting the exam season” program is part of the series of activities of the "The Summer Youth Volunteer Campaign in 2024” organized by the Provincial Youth Communist Union. During the exam, the program coordinated with the appropriate authorities, the medical and educational facilities to take and pick up the candidates with the special circumstances; Preventing the issues that negatively affected the candidates such as releasing the illegal documents, increasing the service prices, and disrupting order and organizing the volunteer teams to guide and distribute traffic to ensure traffic safety. At the same time, the volunteer teams also distributed free water to the candidates; the volunteer motorbike and taxi team, supported pencils and erasers; Supported the hand fanning for the candidates' family members, supported the transportation for the candidates who have had accidents, and the candidates in difficult circumstances.

The "Supporting the exam season” team of Yen Thuy district's.

The "Supporting the exam season” team of Ngo Quyen High School’s Youth Communist Union.

The activity of the "Supporting the exam season” helps create an environment for the youth and young generations in the province to promote the spirit of initiative, volunteerism, solidarity and sense of responsibility towards society.

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