During the two days, October 9 - 10, the Association of the Elderly of Hoa Binh province coordinated with the Help Age International in Vietnam (HAI) to organize a preliminary review and additional training for the club's Board of Directors. Ministries, the Elderly Associations at all levels, and the related parties have a club established in 2024 under the project "Supporting disadvantaged elderly through replicating Intergenerational Self-Help Clubs in Vietnam phase 2 (VIE085)”.

The delegatediscussedng the training content to improve management skills anthe d effective operation of the Intergenerational Self-Help Club.

At the conference, 63 delegates heard the reports on the results of the VIE085 project; Evaluating and reviewing the results of 8 activities that have been and are being implemented. The training has supplemented new knowledge and skills based on local needs, enhancing the capacity of the Elderly Association at all levels in managing and providing technical support to clubs as well as promoting the replication of the club model locally. They have reviewed the implementation of the operating plan in 2024 and created a detailed plan for 2025.

The delegates have also focused on discussing difficulties and challenges in operating and managing the club; exchanging and sharing good and creative ways so that the Intergenerational Self-Help Club model can be replicated and operate more effectively.

Project VIE085 is sponsored by the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), HelpAge International in Korea (HAK), and Help Age International in Vietnam and it has been deployed in Hoa Binh province. The project has supported the establishment of 18 clubs with disbursed funds reaching nearly 1.8 billion VND so far. According to the 3-year plan (from July 2023 - November 2025), they are trying to complete the goal of establishing 27 Intergenerational Self-Help Clubs, bringing direct benefits to nearly 1,500 elderly.

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