With the spirit of youth volunteering for the community, the 2024 Campaign of Summer Volunteer Youth is taking place vibrantly with the practical and meaningful projects and tasks, attracting the participation of a large number of union members and young people in the province. The campaign has been actively contributing to the socio-economic development, building the new rural areas and civilized cities, ensuring the social security, and spreading good values in the community.

The District’s Youth Communist Union, the Team Association, and the Department of Education and Training of Luong Son District started construction of the "Red Scarf House” for the family of Phan Anh Dung, a student of class 3B in Hop Thanh High and Secondary School in Luong Son district.

The 2024 Campaign of Summer Volunteer Youth has special meaning. 25 years ago, the Standing Committee of the Politburo of the Communist Party of Vietnam chose the year of 2000 as the "Year of Vietnamese Youth”, from which the Campaign of Summer Volunteer Youth was officially formed. Looking back on the past 25 years, it can be affirmed that the Campaign of Summer Volunteer Youth has become familiar and indispensable in the lives of young people nationwide in general and Hoa Binh youth, in particular, every summer.

This year, right after the launching ceremony organized by the Provincial Youth Communist Union and Youth Association in Lac Son district, all levels of the Youth Communist Union, Association and youth throughout the province have actively responded with many practical activities, creating the competitive and exciting racing in the first part of the campaign. The Provincial Youth Communist Union and Youth Association have connected and mobilized the resources from many sponsors to donate 30 sets of gifts to the families in difficult circumstances, 20 sets of gifts to the students in difficult circumstances; Supporting 3 road sections to light up the rural roads and 1 project to light up the communal health stations with solar energy with a total value of 120 million VND; Supporting 30 million VND for the construction of the Red Scarf House for Bui Thanh Cong from class 1A2, Chi Dao High and Secondary School in Ong Man hamlet, Chi Dao commune, Lac Son district.

Mr. Nguyen Duy Tu, the Secretary of the Provincial Youth Communist Union, says: To prepare for the Campaign of Summer Volunteer Youth, the Standing Committee of the Provincial Youth Communist Union has directed all levels of the Youth Union in the province to develop plans to deploy the volunteer activities throughout the campaign. It is necessary to pay special attention to the remote areas, the areas of the ethnic minorities, and the areas with particularly difficult socio-economic conditions. It is recommended to pay attention to the specific projects and tasks such as organizing activities to visit and encourage veterans, former youth volunteers, the families under preferential policies, the families of the officers and soldiers currently working at borders and islands, visiting the children in difficult circumstances, organizing summer activities and summer meetings for children...

This year's Campaign of Summer Volunteer Youth continues to be implemented according to the youth groups with 1 program, and 4 campaigns. They are the exam season support program and campaigns: the red poinciana flower, the pink vacation, the green March and the green summer. The activities are carried out with the motto of safety, efficiency and sustainability associated with the political tasks and actual needs of each locality and unit.

Currently, it is the first phase of the campaign, however, there are more than 100 volunteer teams established across the province with the participation of nearly 3,000 youth volunteers. Many projects and tasks that have practical meaning and benefit society have been assigned specific tasks by the Provincial Youth Communist Union to each specialized department and committee and assigned targets to the districts and youth unions to implement. They include organizing online public service propaganda; propagating plastic waste reduction; propagating the sovereignty over sea and islands and preventing social evils, traffic safety, fire prevention, and child abuse for the youth members; Establishing the environmental cleaning teams; Launching to support and accompany the "Exam season support” with candidates at the exam sites; organizing consultation and free medicine distribution for the people; repairing houses for the soldiers who completed their duty and returned to their localities; instructing the people to use online public services; starting construction of the "Trash incinerator, preventing plastic waste” project and inaugurating the project of "Civilized - Green - Clean – Beautiful” roads...

"The cooperation and contribution of the youth has made the summer volunteer days more meaningful and pervasive in the social life. In the coming time, the Provincial Standing Committee of Youth Communist Union will continue to direct all levels of the Youth Union to organize the activities associated with the practical needs of each locality and unit, promoting the "3 links” policy. They will direct the youth organizations at all levels to continue innovating the operating methods, ensuring safety and professionalism to enhance the sense of responsibility of the youth members, thereby, it helps implementing an effective the campaign of summer volunteer youth, promoting the role of the youth in the community” - said the Secretary of the Provincial Youth Communist Union.

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