Lac Son district has paid due attention to ensuring social welfare for people who rendered service to the nation and social protection beneficiaries.

People who rendered service to the nation in Loc Moi street, Vu Ban town in Lac Son district, have received housing support from the local administration.

Head of the district’s bureau of labour, invalids and social affairs Bui The Hoa said that up to 45 billion VND (1.77 million USD) is provided for social protection beneficiaries every year, including supportless children aged under 16, people aged between 16 and 22 studying but having no source of support, children with HIV, poor and near-poor parents with small kids, lonely poor elderly, the poor and near-poor elderly living in ethnic-minority inhabited areas.

Along with prioritising resources for the development of socio-economy and infrastructure, the district has fully and comprehensively carried out social welfare policies for the ethnic minority groups, helping them get employment and improve livelihoods.

To date, its recessional credit policy has been implemented in all communes and towns, with 7,127 poor and near-poor ethnic minority households getting access to the loans.

In the 2019-2024 period, 55,000 ethnic minority workers have got vocational training while 100 workers have gone abroad for employments in recent two years.

Local ethnic minority households have received support to access social services, including education, health care, clean water, and information about the Party and State’s policies.

According to Vice Chairman of the district People’s Committee Bui van Duong, the social welfare policies have contributed to consolidating and enhancing locals’ trust in the Party and State, as well as improving the material and spiritual lives of the residents.

In the coming time, the district will step up social welfare and ethnic affairs work in the new situation, and popularise the Party and State’s policies among party members and ethnic minority groups. It will work to ensure resources for the implementation of the socio-economic development policies, and sustainable development in areas facing special difficulties.

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