The People's Committee of Hoa Binh province hosted a conference on August 22 to evaluate the implementation of a project to develop Hoa Binh Lake tourist area into a national tourist area by 2025. Nguyen Van Toan, Permanent Vice Chairman of the provincial People's Committee and head of the steering committee for implementing the project, presided over the conference.

Nguyen Van Toan, Permanent Vice Chairman of the provincial People's Committee speaks at the conference.

In the first six months of the year, the number of visitors to the Hoa Binh Lake tourist area has shown stable growth, and brought socio-economic benefits, contributing to creating jobs and revenue for the local budget.

The tourist area welcomed 482,000 visitors, including 7,500 international holidaymakers, earning total revenue of 285 billion VND (11.45 million USD).

The steering committee has directed relevant agencies to effectively carry out their assigned tasks, including stepping up efforts to raise awareness of tourism development.

Special attention has been paid to investing and developing infrastructure and technical facilities serving tourism, diversifying tourism products, and training tourism human resources.

Efforts in advertising, promotion, and tourism development cooperation have been strengthened. The tourist area has so far met three out of the five criteria required to be recognised as a national tourist area.

Delegates discussed and clarified difficulties and obstacles facing the implementation of the project, while also making several proposals and recommendations.

Toan recommended that relevant departments and agencies should prioritise effective planning, develop plans, and create detailed master plans for tourism projects at the Hoa Binh Lake tourist area; review private investment projects and decisively revoke licences for those that are delayed or have no feasible implementation; strictly manage and invest in, upgrade ports; strengthen management, inspection and protection of tourism resources and the environment.

The People's Committees of districts were requested to enhance their roles in state management, tighten land and construction management related to the tourism sector. Meanwhile, information and communication agencies were demanded to enhance popularisation activities with many forms to promote the image of destinations, thus attracting tourists to the tourist area.

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