Kim Boi district is drafting 23 planning projects which are expected to help boost the local socio-economic development, attract investors, and mobilise resources for development, said Vice chairman of the district People’s Committee Tran Tuan Son. They include the one on Bo urban area development until 2045, 20 zoning, and 12 on rural residential areas in communes.

 Road in Mo Da hamlet, Bo town in Kim Boi district, upgraded and expanded to serve local tourism development.

According to the spatial development orientation of Hoa Binh province by 2020 with a vision to 2030, Kim Boi is located in Sub-Region 2 in the east and south of the province. It’s the province’s sub-region for industry - tourism - trade - agriculture - forestry development. The district connects to important national economic corridors such as Ho Chi Minh Highway, National Highway 21, and National Highway 12B and adjacent to Hanoi and the provinces of Ha Nam, Thanh Hoa, and Ninh Binh. In addition, the district is located on the main economic corridor Luong Son - Kim Boi - Lac Thuy which borders Hanoi.

Planning is identified as one of the strategic breakthroughs to successfully implement the targets set by the Resolution of the 17th provincial Party Congress. It is expected to help attract investment and boost local socioeconomic development. Therefore, the Kim Boi district People's Committee continues to allocate resources to soon complete the appraisal dossier. However, according to the committee, to increase their efficiency, general planning and zoning need to be integrated with other specialised plans. This requires further coordination between localities, departments, and agencies to promptly remove difficulties and obstacles.

Planning is an important legal tool to manage and mobilise resources and ensure long-term development. It will be a basis to build medium-term public investment plans, construction plans, urban–rural development plans, and specialised technical plans in the district.

Son affirmed that the district will prioritise resources to complete the planning work which is considered one of its key tasks now.

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