Nhuan Trach commune, Luong Son district, recently earned recognition from the People's Committee of Hoa Binh province for achieving the advanced criteria of the national new rural development programme in 2023. This success stemmed from innovative approaches, unified support from local authorities and residents, and a continued push for excellence.

 Hoang Trong Thu, head of Dong Se hamlet, Nhuan Trach commune, Luong Son district, takes the lead in establishing model gardens in the area.

A visit to Nhuan Trach today reveals a transformed rural landscape. The program has brought about significant economic and cultural improvements for the community.

Proactive investment in infrastructure has been a cornerstone of the commune's progress. Upgraded rural transport with concrete and asphalt roads, lined with verdant trees, not only improves convenience but also preserves the area's rural charm.

Hoang Van Bay, Vice Chairman of the communal People's Committee, highlighted the financial contributions from businesses and residents, amounting to 69% of the total funds raised for the exemplary new rural development programme since its launch. The remaining funds came from national, provincial, and district budgets, along with other sources.

Last year, the average income per capita in the area reached 69 million VND. Effective business models like free-range chicken farming, arrowroot starch production, beef cattle raising, and ornamental plant cultivation are flourishing in different hamlets. Today, all hamlets in the commune qualify as model residential areas, boasting 16 established model gardens and zero impoverished households.

Education and training haven't been neglected either, with a focus on improving the quality of teaching and learning in schools.

Nhuan Trach has also embraced technological advancements by launching smart village models. Suoi Sey A hamlet exemplifies this initiative, with security cameras installed along traffic routes and locally produced goods promoted through e-commerce platforms.

With the participation of the whole local political system, Nhuan Trach has completed criteria on exemplary new rural commune in education. Their ongoing efforts to enhance the quality of life and ensure sustainable development promise a bright future for the commune, with the goal of achieving an exemplary new rural commune status soon.

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