A meeting to review the province’s socio-economic development in the first half of 2024 took place on July 3 under the chair of Standing Vice Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee Nguyen Van Toan. Participants discussed and gave opinions on draft documents that will be submitted to the standing board of the provincial Party Committee, documents under the promulgation authority of the provincial People's Committee, and other matters serving the management, direction, and administration of the People's Committee.


The meeting also discussed and gave opinions on a draft scenario for growth, and tasks and solutions to promote growth in the remaining months of 2024.

According to the provincial Department of Planning and Investment, in the last six months, the province’s GRDP expanded by 1.81%. Localities in the province encountered various problems in the disbursement of public investment capital, land management, land clearance, and infrastructure construction.

The provincial People's Committee has set out five groups of tasks and solutions to promote growth in the second half, asking departments and sectors to concentrate on attracting investment, improving the investment and business environment, enhancing competitiveness, and increasing the budget revenue to ensure sufficient funding for projects and compensate for revenue shortfalls from previous years.

Attention must be paid to speeding up public investment disbursement, which is a critical task to build comprehensive infrastructure, facilitate goods circulation, attract investment, and stimulate production, thus contributing to economic growth, participants said.

They also underlined the necessity to address difficulties facing enterprises’ production and business activities, accelerate the implementation of key projects, stipulate consumption demand, and expand export markets.

Delegates suggested the provincial People's Committee direct the provincial Department of Planning and Investment to provide further details in the growth scenario in order to realise the annual GRDP growth target of 9%. They said that it is necessary to analyse each economic sector contributing to the province's economic growth, and propose measures to compensate for those that may not meet set targets.

Vice Chairman Toan asked the department to consult more opinions of relevant agencies to continue to detail the growth scenario in the remaining months of the year.

Sectors and localities were required to review key tasks, develop plans and implementation roadmaps, promote decentralisation of state management for assigned tasks, strengthen coordination between departments and sectors, and establish an inter-sectoral working group to promptly remove difficulties for projects.

Toan requested departments, sectors and localities to pay heed to completely resolving the issues that voters raised at the last regular meeting of the provincial People's Council.


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