The Hoa Binh provincial People’s Committee held a meeting on July 18 to review the implementation of the national target programme on socio-economic development in ethnic minority and mountainous areas in the first half of 2024, and launch tasks and measures for H2. Vice Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee Dinh Cong Su presided over the event.

Vice Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee Dinh Cong Su presides over the meeting.

Total funding for the programme implementation in 2024, including the capital transferred from 2022 and 2023, stands at more than 1.1 trillion VND (43.4 million USD). So far, over 27.6 billion VND or 8.64% of the sum transferred from 2022 and 2023, and 58.7 billion VND or 7.35% of the capital assigned for 2024 has been disbursed.

At the meeting, officials from district-level localities, departments, and sectors pointed out that the implementation of some contents and the disbursement of the 2024 capital for the national target programme are still sluggish, leading to the low disbursement rate.

They blamed the problem on the fact that the documents guiding the programme implementation haven’t been reviewed, amended, or supplemented in a timely manner. Preparations for the works and projects using the state budget’s development investment capital are still made at a snail’s pace. Some units haven’t shown reality-matching governance, policy response remains slow, while there haven’t been breakthrough solutions.

Concluding the event, Vice Chairman Dinh Cong Su demanded departments, sectors, and localities focus more on handling procedures to speed up disbursement, review the works and projects lagging behind schedule so as to build detailed disbursement plans, and specify disbursement targets to ensure 100% of the assigned capital is allocated.

In addition, they need to enhance leaders’ sense of responsibility towards the programme implementation; step up examination, supervision, and assessment of the implementation of projects; and boost monitoring to accelerate capital disbursement, he requested.

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