Lac Thuy district made a breakthrough in the land redistribution work during 2020-2023 to develop large-scale fields, creating favourable conditions for businesses, cooperatives, and other economic sectors to invest in the production of agricultural commodities, and helping improve productivity and income for farmers.

Machines have been used to harvest crops in An Binh commune, Lac Thuy district. 

An Binh commune has been a bright spot in the land redistribution scheme, with 381 hectares of land redistributed during 2019-2023, or 42.2% of the commune’s total areas designated for agricultural production, surpassing its set target. The commune has also been paying due attention to building rural road and irrigational works.

Chairman of the communal People’s Committee Quach Cong Muoi said the scheme has helped raise public awareness of the new-style rural building as it has encouraged them to donate land and money to develop technical infrastructure for production.

By the end of 2023, the district had redistributed 620 hectares of land, on which local farmers cultivate high-yield and quality plants under good agricultural practices (GAP), and with advanced techniques. The farmers said thanks to the reorganisation of production, their earning from a hectare of crop has risen 29%.

Vice Chairwoman of the district People’s Committee Hoang Thi Thu Hang said the district is striving to redistribute 1,020 hectares of land by 2025, and will step up communications work to engage more locals in the scheme.

Lac Thuy will continue developing agricultural production in value chain, and supporting production in accordance with specific standards, creating motives to accelerate the land distribution work, she added.

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