Member of the Party Central Committee, Deputy Prime Minister Le Thanh Long on September 5 morning attended the opening ceremony of the 2024-2025 school year at Tuan Dao Primary and Secondary School in Lac Son district.

Deputy Minister of Education and Training Pham Ngoc Thuong, alternate member of the Party Central Committee and Secretary of the provincial Party Committee Nguyen Phi Long, and Vice Chairman of the provincial People's Committee Nguyen Van Chuong were among guests at the ceremony.

 Deputy Prime Minister Le Thanh Long, Secretary of the Hoa Binh provincial Party Committee Nguyen Phi Long and delegates share joy with teachers and students of Tuan Dao Primary and Secondary School in Lac Son district.

In the 2023-2024 school year, Tuan Dao school had 18 outstanding students recognised at the district level and three excellent students at the provincial level.

The school focused on innovating teaching methods and forms, putting students at the centre and promoting their activeness, which led to positive results in education quality.

 Deputy Prime Minister Le Thanh Long, Secretary of the Hoa Binh provincial Party Committee Nguyen Phi Long and representatives from the Ministry of Training and Education present bicycles to disadvantaged students with good academic performance at Tuan Dao Primary and Secondary School.

 Vice Chairman of the Hoa Binh Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Van Chuong presents scholarships from the provincial Children Protection Fund and school supplies to students.

Speaking at the opening ceremony, Deputy Prime Minister Le Thanh Long praised the achievements that the education sector, teachers, staff, and students in the province in general, and Tuan Dao Secondary and High School in particular, made in the past school year.


He emphasized that promoting education and training is the responsibility of all levels, sectors, families, and schools, contributing to providing high-quality human resources for the homeland’s development.

Long asked education managers and teachers to continue upholding the educational principles that learning goes hand in hand with practice; and schools, families and society work together to improve the quality of education.


He urged the education sector to develop digital education, smart education, personal education, creative education, and equip students with essential skills to learn and work effectively.

Each teacher and educational officer must be an example of morality, self-study, self-training, and dedication to the younger generation, he said, urging students to cultivate morality, and learn the history and culture of their homeland in particular and Vietnam in general.

The Deputy PM requested the Ministry of Education and Training, Party committees at all levels, authorities, organisations, families and communities in the province to continue to pay attention to and make appropriate investments in the development of education in remote, isolated and most disadvantaged areas to ensure fairness in education.

At the ceremony, Deputy PM Long and Secretary of the provincial Party Committee Nguyen Phi Long presented five sets of computers to Tuan Dao school. They also gave bicycles to 20 students and 20 scholarships for the disadvantaged students who have overcome difficulties.


Vice Chairman of the provincial People's Committee Nguyen Van Chuong presented 20 scholarships from the provincial Children Protection Fund and 20 sets of school supplies to the school's students. Leaders of departments, branches and Lac Son district presented many meaningful gifts to the school's students on this occasion.


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