Tan Lap commune in Lac Son district is intensifying efforts to achieve its new-style rural development goals by the end of this year, with a focus on mobilising all available resources and implementing a comprehensive strategy to meet the four remaining criteria out of the 19.


Xom Trai cave, a special national relic in Tan Lap, is preserved and protected by local authorities as part of the local new-style rural development drive.

The Prime Minister’s Decision No. 694/QD-TTg, dated July 18, 2024, officially recognised three sites across the country as national special relics, including the Xom Trai cave in Tan Lap. The commune’s administration has actively engaged the community in protecting the site, as part of the local new-style rural development drive. Bui Van Bang, Secretary of the Xom Trai Party cell, noted that the commune has appointed personnel to safeguard the archaeological artifacts and the integrity of the cave.

Though Tan Lap was certified as meeting the new-style rural building standards in 2022, a reassessment following new criteria set by the 2021-2025 national target programme for new-style rural development revealed that the commune still falls short in four areas, namely transport, multidimensional poverty, rural production organisation and economic development, and health care. The commune is striving to meet these criteria by the end of 2024, with an emphasis on stepping up refreshing communications campaigns to raise public awareness and enhance community engagement.

Work is being accelerated to help Tan Lap fulfill the transport criterion. Since the beginning of the year, local hamlets have repaired and maintained 6km of inter-hamlet and field roads as well as other road sections. Additionally, the commune is coordinating with consulting units to survey road conditions in various hamlets and facilitating the construction of the Tan Lap-Mien Doi road.

To address multidimensional poverty, Tan Lap has been promoting farmers’ application of scientific and technical advances in production and encouraging the transition to more productive crops and livestock. By leveraging resources from three national target programmes, the commune is implementing projects to support local production, with the goal of reducing its multidimensional poverty rate to approximately 5.71%.

In 2024, the total projected budget for new-style rural development in Tan Lap exceeds 1.07 billion VND (42,718 USD). Of this, over 228 million VND is expected to come from community contributions and other funds.

Chairman of the Tan Lap People's Committee Bui Ly Tuong said that the commune has developed a comprehensive plan to meet its goals on time. The plan focuses on effectively implementing programmes and projects that support economic development, increase income, and achieve sustainable poverty reduction.

As of the end of 2023, the local average per capita income hit 52 million VND, with its poverty rate reduced to around 7%. In the months to come, Tan Lap plans to capitalise on its available advantages to further socio-economic development. Priorities will be placed on infrastructure investments that support tourism and the exploration of the Muong Vang culture.

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