In the effort to help the people in the areas affected by the natural disasters and floods recover from the aftermath, many organizations, units, businesses, and individuals inside and outside the province have recently united to contribute support through Hoa Binh Province’s Relief Fund. This is aimed at helping the affected citizens alleviate their difficulties and stabilize their lives as soon as possible.

The leaders from Vietnam Fatherland Front of Hoa Binh province presented the financial support to Mr. Ban Van Tuan from Mai Son hamlet, Yen Nghiep commune (Lac Sơn district), whose house was damaged by the storm.

Due to the impact of storm No. 3, Hoa Binh province experienced strong winds and heavy, prolonged rains, causing landslides, floods, and widespread damage to homes and properties. The storm resulted in casualties and injuries, with many families facing hardship due to the destruction or flooding of their homes. In response, Vietnam Fatherland Front of Hoa Binh issued a call for donations to help the residents recover from the disaster, addressing the local authorities, agencies, organizations, businesses, and the people of the province.

Immediately after the launch of the relief appeal by Vietnam Fatherland Front of Hoa Binh province, the various provincial Party agencies, offices of the Provincial People's Committee, the National Assembly, and the Provincial People's Council offices, as well as the departments, sectors and the local governments in the districts and the city, simultaneously encouraged their staff to contribute at least one day's salary to support the disaster-affected northern residents. This initiative aimed to ease the hardship and losses, providing the timely assistance to help the citizens rebuild their lives.

By 4 p.m., on September 16, the provincial relief fund received the donations from 277 units and individuals, totaling nearly 33.3 billion VND, of which 30 billion VND was contributed by the Central Committee’s Relief Fund. The officials and the people across the districts and the city enthusiastically responded and promptly participated in contributing to help the disaster-affected communities.

Ms. Bui Thi Van, the Head of the Mass Mobilization Committee of Lac Son District’s Party Committee and the Chairwoman of the Lac Son District’s Fatherland Front, states: "By September 13, the officials and the people in the district had raised 200 million VND in cash, excluding the supplies and food donated by the various units and businesses to the people affected by the disaster. In the coming days, the district will continue its call for donations, focusing on cash contributions and essential supplies to help the people overcome these challenges as soon as possible”.

In addition to the contributions to the provincial relief fund, Vietnam Fatherland Front of Hoa Binh, along with other businesses, philanthropists, and volunteer groups, visited the affected areas to offer support, delivering the meaningful gifts to those whose homes were damaged or destroyed by landslides, roof collapses, or flooding. This was especially prevalent in the remote districts such as Da Bac, Lac Son, and Tan Lac. In the face of adversity, the spirit of the national unity, the compassion, and the community sharing has shone through. Both spiritual and material support have grown into a widespread movement, especially across the media and social networks. Every contribution, big or small, is deeply appreciated by those impacted by the storms and floods.

Mr. Bui Van Luyen, the Chairman of Vietnam Fatherland Front of Hoa Binh province, says: "In the coming days, Vietnam Fatherland Front of the province will continue to call on the Party committees, governments, organizations, businesses, and philanthropists to contribute to the provincial Relief Fund. Vietnam Fatherland Front of the province is responsible for receiving, coordinating, and distributing the support resources from agencies, units, and businesses to the affected individuals promptly, transparently, and accurately”.

For contributions to be truly meaningful, they must be made to the right places and directed to the correct recipients. Thus, donations from units, organizations, and individuals within and outside the province should be made through Fatherland Front at all levels, the local organizations, and appropriate authorities to ensure the efficient use of the relief resources.

For cash donations or other support, please contact the office of Vietnam Fatherland Front of Hoa Binh Province (No. 02, An Dương Vương Street, Phuong Lam Ward, Hoa Binh City, Hoa Binh Province). Account number: 4559666699, at Hoa Binh Province Investment and Development Bank.

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