(HBO) - On the occasion of the 75th anniversary of War Invalids and Martyrs' Day (July 27, 1947 - July 27, 2022), all the localities in the province have been active in the gratitude activities to the heroic martyrs and the people with the meritorious services to the revolution. The movement of taking care of the households under the preferrential policies and the people with the meritorious services and many practical and meaningful programs spreading far and wide in the gratitude month of July.

68 delegates with the meritorious services from 10 districts and the city were selected to visit the old battlefield at Truong Son National Martyrs Cemetery by the Provincial People's Committee.


The Division of People with the meritorious services (Department of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs) has been creating creates all conditions and guides the subjects on the settlement of application procedures and policy.


The associations and mass organizations in Lac Son district have coordinated to organize the program of free medical examination, counseling and supplying drug for the families under prefferential policies and the poor households.


The stele house with the names of the martyrs at the Martyrs Cemetery in Ky Son Ward (Hoa Binh City) is regularly cleaned and sanitized to ensure the spaciousness.


The armed forces in Mai Chau district have supported to build houses of gratitude for the war invalids , Mr.Vi Van Huyen, from Lau hamlet, Mai Ha commune.


The Women's Union of Phu Thanh Commune (Lac Thuy) visits and encourages martyrs' relatives in Tan Lam village.

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