(HBO) - Van hamlet, Mai Chau town (Mai Chau district) is a village of Thai ethnic people, located peacefully at the foot of Pu Van mountain. The people of Van village have been preserving and promoting the traditional cultural values, promoting the community tourism to develop and becoming an ideal destination for domestic and foreign tourists.

From the center of Mai Chau town, follow the straight stretch of asphalt road between green rice fields, it takes about 1km from Highway 15 to reach Van village.

Currently, the village has a number of families doing tourism services under the model of homestay, where tourists stay and participate in the activities with the hosts to explore the local culture.

Foreign tourists like cycling to enjoy the charming and peaceful scenery.

Arriving here, visitors can witness the simple lives of the people and encounter the friendly smiles and eyes.

Along with the Thai ethnic people in Mai Chau district, Thai people in Van village live mainly on wet rice cultivation, animal husbandry and traditional occupations such as weaving and knitting.

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