The Party Committee of
the provincial People’s Court (10th tenure) present themselves at
the congress.
During the 2015-2020 tenure, the Party Committee of the provincial People’s Court designed annual working programmes to implement their assigned tasks. Cases have been handled in line with legal regulations with no case delayed and the quality of judgment work has been improved significantly. No wrong rulings in criminal cases have been issued during the period. Many serious cases and those of public concern have been put on trial.
At the same time, the committee has paid attention to political and ideological education to improve the leadership and combat capacity of Party organisations at the grassroots level, as well as the quality of its staff and Party member. The committee promoted Party building and rectification work in accordance with the resolution adopted at the fourth plenum of the 12th Party Central Committee, and Directive No. 05-CT/TW of the Politburo on intensifying studying and following President Ho Chi Minh’s thought, morality and lifestyle.
The congress adopted a resolution with targets and solutions for 2020-2025. The court’s Party organization aims to have all subordinate units win the title of advanced labour collective, and at least 90 percent of staff members recognized as advanced workers.
Another goal is to have 100 percent of Party cells and Party members showing no sign of degradation in political ideology, morality and lifestyle, "self-evolution,” and "self-transformation”. The Party organization and 100 percent of its Party cells will strive to be recognized as fulfilling duty outstandingly, and at least 90 percent of Party members winning the title of excellent performance.
The congress elected a Party Committee with seven members, and delegates to attend the congress of the Party organization at higher level./.