TheVietnam Fatherland Front (VFF) Committees in Kim Boi district have pursued innovations to effectively implement the "All people stay united to build new style rural and civilised urban areas” campaign, thus contributing to spurring local socio-economic development and ensuring national defence-security.

 Residents in Vo Khang hamlet, Kim Boi commune, concrete the hamlet’s cultural house yard.

Bui Van Hau, Vice President of the district VFF Committee, said its standing board issues documents each year guiding the implementation of the campaign, adding all-level VFF Committees in the district have also coordinated with their member organisations in the communications work.

Bui Thi Hong, Chairwoman of the People’s Committee of Vinh Dong commune, which is taking the lead in this regard, said the commune VFF Committee has launched programmes and projects to build infrastructure and help locals in crop and plant restructuring, thus raising their spiritual and material lives.

All-level VFF Committees have closely coordinated with local authorities and organisations to encourage residents to play a role in new-style rural and civilised urban area building. Since 2019, residents across the district donated 99,102 sq.m to road projects, and 807,430 working days to items under the new-style rural area building programme. Such efforts paid off as six communes have been recognised as new-style rural areas, and 11 residential areas 27 gardens as models.

During the 2019-2024 period, the district has raised over 5 billion VND (196,684 USD) in support of the poor, helping reduce its poverty rate to 12.28% last year.

According to Hau, the campaigns and movements launched by the district VFF Committee have received warm response from the public, contributing to completing the building of new-style rural and civilised urban areas, as well as socio-economic-cultural targets.

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