The communist youth unions at all levels organised various activities in tribute to war martyrs and sick soldiers who sacrificed and devoted themselves to the national liberation and unification cause.

Members of the communist youth union of Mai Chau district clean graves of martyrs at local cemetery. 

Over the past time, they have stepped up communications work on the Party and State’s policies and regulations for people who rendered services to the nation, while enhancing education on traditional revolution and patriotism among the young.

A wide range of activities have been held to help the youths get a better insight into the local history, including contests, talks with local veterans, incense offering at relic sites, clean-up at martyrs’ cemetery and monuments, and gift presenting to policy beneficiary families and heroic mothers.

Not only in July when the War Invalids and Martyrs’ Day is commemorated, the activities are carried out regularly and integrated into the youth unions’ emulation campaigns.

So far this year, the province’s youth unions have organised eight conferences, talks, and forums, and arranged 23 trips to historical relic sites for more than 1,500 members.

According to Deputy Secretary of the provincial Communist Youth Union Nguyen Thanh Luan, generations of local leaders and members of the youth unions have expressed a sense of gratitude to the predecessors who shed their blood for the nation’s great revolution and for peace and development nowadays.

The practical activities are expected to raise the youths’ awareness of the national pride and patriotism, and remind them of the responsibility to promote the country’s traditional values, he added.

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