Permanent Deputy Secretary of the Hoa Binh provincial Party Committee and Chairman of the provincial People's Council Bui Duc Hinh has written an article affirming that in the 2019-2024 tenure, adhering to the direction of the Vietnam Fatherland Front (VFF) Central Committee, under the leadership and guidance of the provincial Party Committees and party committees at all levels, and the close and effective coordination of the administrations, departments, agencies, and organisations, the VFF Committees at all levels in Hoa Binh province have been determined, innovative and flexible in fulfilling its roles and missions, thus achieving many significant results.

The great national unity bloc has continued to be strengthened, creating great power that has played an important role in building the Party and the political system, promoting socio-economic development, and maintaining national defence and security.

 Politburo Member, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh; and Nguyen Phi Long, alternate member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the provincial Party Committee, at the groundbreaking ceremony for building a house for a poor household in Son Phu village, Cao Son commune (Da Bac district) in April 2024. 

The VFF Committees at all levels have led and coordinated with administrations at all levels and sectors, and member organisations to diversify forms of gathering people; disseminate and encourage them to comply with the Party's guidelines, the State’s policies and laws, and actively participate in patriotic emulation movements and campaigns, especially the "All people unite to build new-style rural areas and civilised urban areas” campaign,  and the "For the poor – Leaving no one behind” movement, and social welfare activities. During the term, the  VFF Committees at all levels have mobilised people to donate over 564,000 sq.m of land for rural roads and public projects. The funds for the poor at all levels have raised over 99.6 billion VND (3.93 million USD).

Despite these achievements, there are still some limitations in the front work. In some places and for some activities, campaigns and movements have been carried out formalistically, with limited effectiveness and insufficient utilisation of community resources. The monitoring and urging of the settlement of recommendations after supervision, and feedback after social criticism have not received due attention in some areas, leading to one-sided recommendations. The contents and methods of front activities in several localities have been been innovated slowly.

In the coming time, the Party organisations, administrations, and people of all ethnic groups in the province will continue to promote the spirit of solidarity and aspiration to rise up with the overarching goal of building and developing the province to achieve the average economic growth of the whole country by 2025, become a developed province in the northern mountainous and midland region by 2030, and a developed province of the entire country by 2050. With its significant mission, role, and social responsibility, the provincial VFF and its member organisations must continuously innovate their contents and methods, gather and unite people from all walks of life, actively contribute to the cause of industrialisation and modernisation of the homeland and the country, wrote the provincial leader.

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