As the number of students is on the rise, building a contingent of young party members among students plays an important role. They are an elite source of the masses that the Standing Board of the Hoa Binh provincial Party Committee has directed local Party committees, localities, and schools in the province to pay special attention to in order to supplement the Party's successor force.

Tran Thi Vui (middle) is the first student of Ky Son High School in Hoa Binh city to be admitted to the Party in June.

The Provincial Ethnic Boarding High School’s Party Organisation admitted two outstanding students to the Party in the 2019-2020 academic year. However, the number has steadily increased in the following years. Since 2020, the school's Party organization has selected 146 outstanding students for training courses organized for those who wish to join the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) and has admitted 33 more members. Striving to join the Party has become a goal and an emulation movement among its students. 

Other high schools in the province have also paid attention to the Party membership development among students, such as Hoang Van Thu High School for the Gifted Students. 

The Standing Board of the Provincial Party Committee emphasised the need to strengthen Party development work among outstanding students when issuing plans for Party membership development. 

As a result, 641 students have attended training courses organised for those who wish to join the CPV since 2020. As of August, 145 outstanding students had been admitted to the Party. These students have high academic achievements, good political mettle, adhere to school and organisational regulations and actively participate in class and school activities. Notably, the number of students admitted to the Party has been increasing over the years from 12 students in 2020 to 44 in 2023, and 39 in the first eight months of this year. 

Regarding the Party development work among students, Bui Van Quyen, head of the Organisation Board of the Hoa Binh city Party Committee, said that to create a source of successors among students, the city Party Committee has directed and guided Party committees at schools and localities to focus on orientations towards becoming a Party member from the beginning of the year so that students proactively work towards this goal. In addition to general criteria, Party organisations prioritise students who have won awards in various competitions, science and technology innovation contests, and those who exemplify adherence to school and organisational regulations and actively participate in school and social activities. 

Party organisations have been asked to step up the communication work to enhance knowledge for Party members and the public about the importance of Party membership development. Collaboration between local party committees and school party committees in the implementation of the party admission process is also strengthened along with conducting training to enhance professional skills for cadres involved in party affairs. 

Schools need to hold regular meetings to raise awareness, political mettle and revolutionary ethics for their staff and Party members, especially students, with an aim of turning them into truly exemplary and responsible individuals and role models for the younger generation, he added.

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