The youth in Vu Binh commune (Lac Son) are
transplanting rice to help people with meritorious services.
In 1946, when the country just gained independence, President Ho Chi Minh issued "Announcement of adopting the children of martyrs”. In 1947, He promulgated Decree No. 20/SL on "Regulations on the retirement benefits for invalids and martyrs”, and at the same time, issued a directive to choose one day of the year as "The Day of Invalids and Martyrs” so that the whole country could express the deep gratitude to those who spared no blood, devoting and sacrificing for the Fatherland. Since then, especially during the more than 30 years of conducting the innovation process, our Party and State have always paid attention to leading, directing and doing well the work of war invalids, martyrs, and the people with meritorious services and mobilizing the whole country to actively participate in the movements of "When drinking water, think of its source”, "The whole country taking care of the families of war invalids, martyrs and the people with meritorious services”. Every year, July 27th becomes a sacred commemoration day. It is an occasion for the entire Party, people and army to remember, honor and appreciate the great merits of heroic martyrs, wounded and sick soldiers, the families of martyrs and the people with meritorious services.
Currently, there are about 9.2 million the people with meritorious services in the whole country, of which nearly 1.4 million people are enjoying the monthly preferential regime. The incentive regime for the people with meritorious services has been developed and implemented relatively comprehensively and widely. In addition to the subsidies, there are also incentives in healthcare, housing improvement, education and training, and production, business, job creation... The life of the people with meritorious services has constantly been improved. The standard monthly allowance increased from 1,318,000 VND in 2015 to 1,624,000 VND in 2020. By the end of 2020, 99.7% of the households of the people with meritorious services have a standard of living equal to or higher than the that of the local residents. 99.5% of the communes, wards and townships do well in the work of war invalids, martyrs and the people with meritorious services.
Currently, there are 13,437 households of the peopel with meritorious services. Over the past years, the Party committees, the appropriate authorities, the mass organizations and people have paid special attention and care to the material and spiritual life of the people with meritorious services. On the occasion of Tet holiday, 100% of households of the peopel with meritorious services and the families under the prefferential policies are visited and given gifts. The movements of of "When drinking water, think of its source”, "Repaying someone for his favour”, "Communities and wards do well in the work of war invalids, martyrs and people with meritorious services”, giving gratitude houses, gratitude gardens, gratitude savings books, taking care of the heroic Vietnamese mothers... have been widely deployed. In addition, some shortcomings and limitations in the implementation of the policies continue to be supplemented and completed in a timely manner and in accordance with the regulations.
In order to better implement the Party and the State’s regimes and policies for the people with meritorious services, the traditional education for the future generations, the campaign to build and contribute to the Gratitude Fund launched in July have received the active contribution and support of agencies, appropriate authorities, political and social organizations, businesses, civil servants, public employees, laborers and all classes of the People. From the resources, the martyrs' cemeteries, the memorials, the stele houses with names of martyrs, and the graves of Vietnamese heroic mothers will be renovated, and the difficulties in life, especially the housing difficulties with the families of the martyrs and the relatives of martyrs, will be reduced and improved. The province is trying to basically complete the housing support for the people with meritorious services and no longer has any people with meritorious people belonging to the poor household.