A delegation of Hoa Binh province led by Nguyen Phi Long, alternate member of the Party Central Committee and Secretary of the provincial Party Committee, recently visited and presented gifts to cadres and residents in the Cao Phong - Thach Yen revolutionary base, on the occasion of the 79th anniversary of the National Day (September 2, 1945 - 2024). The delegation included representatives of the Vietnam Fatherland Front (VFF) Committee, the Military Command, the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union Committee, and the Department of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs of the province.

Nguyen Phi Long, alternate member of the Party Central Committee and Secretary of the provincial Party Committee, presents gifts from the provincial Party Committee, People’s Council, People’s Committee, and VFF Committee to cadres and people of Thach Yen commune, Cao Phong district.

Cao Phong - Thach Yen is one of the four revolutionary bases in the province. Here, Vu Tho, Secretary of the province’s Party Civil Affairs Committee, gathered and trained militia to prepare for the General Uprising in August 1945. In a short period of time, the revolutionary force developed strongly to master the base and wait for revolutionary opportunities. On August 23, 1945, the uprising group from this base joined the revolutionary force across the province to take over the administrative centre and seize power to the people.

The revolutionary base relic site was restored and recognised as a national historical - cultural one by the Ministry of Culture and Information in 1996.

Nguyen Phi Long, alternate member of the Party Central Committee and Secretary of the provincial Party Committee, presents gifts from the provincial Party Committee, People’s Council, People’s Committee, and VFF Committee to cadres and people of Hop Phong commune, Cao Phong district.

Over the past years, the Party organisations, administrations, and people of Thach Yen and Hop Phong, two communes located within the revolutionary base, have maintained solidarity and strived to tap into local potential and advantages to boost socio-economic develop. As a result, the quality of people’s material and spiritual life has been improved, and security and order firmly guaranteed. Hop Phong was listed as a new-style rural area in 2022. Thach Yen has fulfilled 14 of the 19 new-style countryside criteria.

Visiting and presenting gifts to the Party organisations, administrations, and people in the revolutionary base, Secretary Long hailed the communes’ achievements. He asked their Party committees, administrations, and people to uphold the revolutionary tradition, pay due attention to the Party building and personnel training, and invest efforts in promoting socio-economic development to better people’s material and spiritual life. They should specifically further develop services and tourism to accelerate poverty alleviation and income improvement.

The official also requested the People’s Committees of Hoa Binh province and Cao Phong district provide more resources to help Thach Yen complete building new-style countryside.

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